Bicester Town Council has been accused of trying to make a profit by agreeing to sell blue recycling bins to residents for commission.

Under the new parish recycling programme, people from across the Bicester area will be able to order blue bins from parish councils which have signed up to the scheme.

The bins would be sold to residents for £20, with parish councils keeping £5 commission from each sale.

Currently residents have to buy the bins direct from Cherwell District Council for £20.

But one town councillor said he was uncomfortable because he believed councils would be making a profit at the expense of residents.

Les Sibley said: "To ask people to pay on top of their council tax this sort of money, and to be seen to be making money out of residents, lies a little bit uncomfortably with me.

"We were led to believe that the £20 covered the cost of the bin, that there was no profit margin in there and now all of a sudden there is a profit. Why not give the bins to the residents for £15? That would be a good incentive."

But fellow councillors disagreed and said they believed the scheme would benefit residents. Carol Steward said: "The £5 from Cherwell District Council would be £5 less we would be able to take off the town tax payer."

Bicester mayor Dan Sames said: "I think this is a very good idea to encourage more recycling throughout the town. I think the £5 commission could be used as an administrative charge."

Debbie Pickford said: "We are not making a profit. We would be doing a bit of work for Cherwell and they give us some money for that."

John Cozens said: "If we do reduce the bins to £15, then people who have already bought them would be up in arms."

All councillors voted in favour of the idea, except Mr Sibley, who abstained.