Of course, Cyclox, the cycling pressure group, was wrong to put up a sign warning of the dangers at a junction near Oxford railway station.

There would be chaos if people were allowed to put up signs wherever they chose.

But one can sympathise with the sentiments of Cyclox and their sign sponsors, Cooper Construction, of Witney.

There have been two fatalities and more than 30 other accidents at the junction of Botley Road and Roger Dudman Way in the past five years.

And with flats still being built in Roger Dudman Way, it's a fair bet that there will be more casualties before the work is completed.

The county council says it has carried out a study of the junction and will be putting forward a range of options.

But it has hardly been a speedy response. The first of the two deaths occurred in 2000 and the second in 2004.

You can be sure that Cyclox's sign will be removed at a quicker pace than the council has produced solutions to the problem.

We can understand why people get frustrated and take the initiative when the council acts so slowly.

David Robertson, the county council's cabinet member for transport, is right in one respect however many signs are put up and road markings put down, drivers, cyclists and pedestrians have to acknowledge that they are sharing road space and need to act accordingly.

It is a message that needs to be drummed into everyone and not only those using Botley Road.

Too many lives are still being lost on Oxfordshire roads through irresponsible or careless behaviour on so