There wasn't a dry eye in Blenheim Palace as four Oxfordshire couples renewed their wedding vows in front of six million television viewers yesterday.

The couples were among 50 from across the country who won a special Valentine's Day competition, run by GMTV, to pledge their love at the home of the Duke of Marlborough, near Woodstock.

Dale Faircloth, 41, from Wantage, entered the contest without his wife Lisa, 39, knowing.

He said: "On the day of our engagement, 19 years ago, I was struck down by a virus and spent three months in hospital, completely paralysed from the neck down. Instead of asking Lisa's father for her hand in marriage, he ended up feeding me liquidised food in hospital.

"It wasn't an ideal way to start things, but the judges were obviously touched by our story. Telling Lisa we'd won a place to renew our vows at Blenheim Palace was a great way of showing her just how much she means to me."

Peter Mace, 32, from Woodstock, also entered the competition without his wife knowing. He said: "We are coming up to our seventh year of marriage, but Tina has been through a very hard time, having lost her father at the end of last year.

"We saw last year's event on television, so when I saw they were advertising for couples again, I wrote to them.

"When the guy rang to tell me we'd won a place, I thought I'd misheard him -- I couldn't believe it.

"It has been a very long day -- we had to be here at 4am -- but it's been fabulous."

Mrs Mace said: "It was kind of surreal to be standing in the Great Hall at Blenheim, renewing our vows with all the other couples, but touching too.

"Peter has booked a second honeymoon, but is keeping where we are going a secret. It's been a great new start to a new year."

Sharon and Bob Higginson, from Didcot, won their place at the ceremony after telling the story of their original wedding, almost 25 years ago.

"We couldn't get married in my church, because Bob had been married before," said Mrs Higginson, 45. "We got married at Didcot register office, but we always dreamed of having a service like this. "It's been surprisingly emotional."

Mr Higginson, 54, added: "We only got the call to tell us we had been picked a week ago, so it's all been a bit mad, but lovely too. Our family was at home watching us on the television."

The mass service was performed by the ordained Anglican priest and UFO expert, the Rev Lionel Fanthorpe, assisted by registrars from Oxfordshire County Council's registration service.

Jacquie Bugeja, assistant head of the service said: "This is a wonderful event and I am thrilled to see so many couples wanting to renew their wedding vows like this, including so many from Oxfordshire.

"Although we do often provide renewal of vows ceremonies, a ceremony for 50 couples in front of an audience of six million is a bit out of the ordinary!"

The programme was presented by GMTV's Ben Shepherd and Andrea McLean.

Ms McLean said: "It's been a fabulous day and we've really enjoyed meeting all the couples."