I was shocked to read the damning report on Cherwood House Care Centre at Bicester (Oxford Mail, September 16).

My husband has been a patient there for nearly four years.

He is quadriplegic and came from the spinal unit at Stoke Mandeville Hospital, near Aylesbury, where he was for nine months.

While there, relations were encouraged to become involved in nursing, needs, care etc.

He came to Cherwood and needed an immense amount of care which he gets.

These sorts of patients are particularly at risk and, of course, prone to bed sores.

Thanks to the excellent care he has had, that problem has not arisen -- this is good nursing care.

Eighteen months ago, my husband had to be admitted to an NHS hospital with a serious problem.

The doctor was good, the nursing was atrocious, basically through ignorance. Had I not been there all night and the next day, I dread to think what would have happened.

Everyone deserves a high standard of care, regardless of financial status, and that is what they receive.

Most homes and hospitals have a severe staff problem and frankly, the majority I have visited are more inefficient.

My husband says he feels the general atmosphere is very pleasant and the carers try extremely hard to care for all the patients' needs.

I give praise where praise is due.

Jean Pigou, Islip