How obscene - £13,000 of taxpayers' money being spent on acting lessons (Oxford Mail, September 23). This graphically illustrates to me the complete lack of sensitivity and regard for the people of the county some of our esteemed councilors are being paid to represent.

For years, vulnerable groups in Oxfordshire have been battling severe cuts to services forced by lack of funding imposed by this council, yet brazenly they waste money on frills.

We have been fed many lines in recent years, how everything is wonderful, people are getting the services they require -- believe me, Oscar winning performances in themselves, no acting lessons required.

Surely, speaking from the heart with a passion to improve public services and lives is the job of a councillor? That is not something Rada teaches you. If our dear councillors want to tread the boards, let them use their own money and go to night school. Sincerity should not be an act! Clare McCarthy, Pickenfield, Thame