TWO footballing brothers were the victims of a cruel coincidence, when both broke a leg in the same match.

Steve and Gary Smith were playing for Minster Lovell Reserves in their 1-0 victory at Chippy Swifts in the Witney & District League on Saturday before both ended up at the Horton Hospital, Banbury, after freak injuries.

Steve, 24, was the worse affected as he suffered a triple fracture of his tibia and fibula in a challenge, while 15 minutes later, his younger brother Gary, 16, fell awkwardly and broke bones in his left ankle and shin.

Steve recalled: "It was just a challenge for the ball - a complete accident - but I remember hearing the crack and then just absolute agony.

"As the ambulance was leaving the ground, there was a knock on the door, and someone said: 'have you got room for another one'.

"I was a bit out of it on oxygen and painkillers, but I remember asking if it was the No 11, the shirt which my brother was wearing.

"When they said it was, I couldn't believe it - so we both shared the same ambulance up to the hospital."

Steve who is a labourer, will be in plaster for the next 18 weeks and has been ruled out of playing for at least six months. He is still in hospital awaiting surgery

"The ambulance arrived really quickly. I think it was there within 20 minutes," he said.

"All the players were really helpful and kept me warm while I was waiting. They didn't move me."

Gary, who will be in plaster for between six to eight weeks, was discharged on Sunday.

Yesterday, he went back to Wood Green School, where he is studying for A levels.

He said: "It was only about 15 minutes after we had restarted that I got injured.

"I was trying to block a cross and I just went over on the ankle. I knew I'd broken it straight away, because I have had a similar injury before.

"It was just lucky that the ambulance hadn't gone.

"I think the doctors at the Horton thought it looked quite funny to see two players both still in the same kit arriving together."