FED UP Jim Hemsley says enough is enough - after waking up to find yet another car on its roof in his front garden.

Mr Hemsley, a doll's house maker, fears a life will be lost unless urgent safety action is taken at the accident blackspot outside his home in Bucknell, near Bicester.

Mr Hemsley, 55, and his wife Joan, of Trigger Pond Cottage, Bucknell, awoke to find their garden trashed after a Peugeot 205 mounted the kerb, demolished their hedge and ended up on its roof in the middle of their lawn.

The driver suffered bruising in the accident and Mr Hemsley found him standing by his car, calling the police on his mobile phone.

"We are very annoyed - how many times is this going to happen before something is done?" said Mr Hemsley.

Friday's accident is the sixth major smash on the sharp bend since the Hemsleys moved to the village.

Mr Hemsley added: "If my grandchildren or my wife were in the garden at the time you can imagine what would have happened."

The route through the village is being used increasingly as motorists take a short cut to the M40 at Ardley.

Mr Hemsley fears that when the Bure Park housing development of 1,200 houses is completed in Bicester, it will mean thousands of extra cars using the local roads. He said: "The route is used by the emergency services to get to the M40 and this precludes any sleeping policemen or other traffic calming measures. I would like to see more speed traps in the village.

"If one of my grandchildren was killed then some people will have it on their conscience."

Next door, Bucknell parish councillor John Kightley has had two cars end up in his garden. He said: "It is a nightmare. It can only be so long before we have a fatality at the bend."

The parish council is looking at ways of introducing traffic calming measures installed on the approach to the bend.

But Mr Kightley warned: "It's expensive so we will have to see what we can afford as a parish."

Thames Valley Police spokesman David Campbell appealed to motorists to slow down as they drove through the village.

He said: "We fully sympathise with Mr Hemsley's predicament. It is important that drivers respect the 30mph limit in Bucknell otherwise there is the danger that others will come to grief on that bend."

Oxfordshire County Council traffic department spokesman Tony Kirkwood advised Mr Hemsley or anyone with similar fears, to contact Bicester-area traffic engineer Reg Pain on 01869 241144 to discuss the problems.

Converted for the new archive on 30 June 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.