LEICESTER City star Garry Parker's outburst at a referee at an Oxfordshire Sunday Cup game has landed him with a £750 fine from the FA.

Parker, who lives at Kidlington, regularly runs the line for Cherwell Lions, who are managed by his father-in-law Ray Timms.

But he blew his top after watching the Morrells Sunday League Division 4 team lose 3-1 to Cowley Cosmos in the Sam Waters Cup on December 7.

The 32-year-old former Nottingham Forest and Aston Villa midfielder harangued the match referee Peter Fisher, who reported him to the Oxfordshire FA.

And now the FA have slapped a fine on Parker for foul and abusive language and warned him as to his future conduct.

The OFA, not realising the 'Mr G Parker' on the report form was in fact the Leicester City player, originally dealt with the case giving him a 35-day ban and a £20 fine.

But when it came to light that he was actually the Garry Parker who played for the Premiership club their punishment was rescinded and it was sent on to Lancaster Gate.

No decision has yet been made as to whether Cherwell Lions will face action for failing to complete the disciplinary form properly.

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