MOURNERS packed the funeral of millionaire electronics tycoon Colin Sanders in the Oxford college chapel where he and wife Rosie were married.

Mr Sanders, founder of Solid State Logic, died last week in a helicopter crash. Yesterday, 300 mourners packed into the Harris Manchester College Chapel, off Mansfield Road, for his funeral.

Shortly before 11am, the cortege arrived for the private ceremony conducted by honorary chaplain Rev Dudley Richards.

Dr Rosie Sanders was accompanied by the couple's three adopted children, James, Craig and Terri.

Following the service the cortege travelled to Oxford Crematorium for committal.

Mr Sanders, 50, lived at Souldern Manor, Souldern, near Bicester. He died when his twin-engined Squirrel helicopter crashed into a field near the M40 as he headed home on Wednesday last week. Principal of Harris Manchester College, Dr Ralf Waller, paid tribute to Mr Sanders, describing him as "a wonderful man". He said: "I have never seen the chapel so full and I have never seen so many flowers sent from all over the country."

Dr Waller said he could not speak too highly of the electronics genius, an honorary fellow of the college.

He added: "They are all such a lovely family. Colin was a fine person who did an enormous amount of good. We all admired him and he will be enormously missed by everyone."

A memorial service is planned for Thursday, March 5, but the exact time and location are yet to be confirmed.

Donations in Mr Sanders' memory can be sent to R V Mallett, 124, Lime Walk, Headington, Oxford. OX3 7AF. They will go to the Prince's Trust.

An air accident investigation into the tragedy is continuing.

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