A TOWN welcomed back its ocean-going heroes with crowds lining the streets and children waving flags and streamers.

Intrepid mother and son Jan Meek and Daniel Byles were back in Chipping Norton yesterday after 101 days at sea in a 23 feet long rowing boat.

They made their grand return in an open-top bus decked out with patriotic red, white and blue balloons.

And, on a windy day with temperatures not far above freezing, they were bowled over by the way people back home have taken them to their hearts.

Jan, 53, said: "It is a very strange feeling, just being back home. We were frightened to come back to England in the cold, but it has been such a warm welcome. It is wonderful."

The ticker-tape coming home was laid on by a group of Jan's friends who quickly put the word round to businesses in the town. Shopkeepers put out banners as the open top bus, provided free by Guide Friday Tours, paraded through the main streets.

Organiser Mrs Rolie Clarke said: "They are definitely Chippy's heroes and we just had to give them a heroes' return. The response of the people in the town has been great." The warmest welcome came as the bus passed Holy Trinity RC primary school in London Road where 150 youngsters screamed out: "Jan and Dan""

Former pupil Dan, now 22 and an army officer, said: "Itwas really fantastic to see all the kids shouting for us. Really heart-warming!"

The duo successfully rowed across the Atlantic from Tenerife to Barbados - a distance of 2,900 miles - as one of 30 crews taking part in the longest rowing race ever staged by Sir Chay Blyth.

They spent 100 days, 18 hours and 57 minutes battling the ocean waves in their boat Carpe Diem.

Jan, a marketing manager and former mayor of Chipping Norton, was the oldest person in the race while Army officer Daniel, 22, was the youngest.

She said: "We were told that while we were doing it we would regret it, but when it's done we would be glad for the rest of our lives. That's just how it feels."

Mother and son are now busy writing the book of their voyage - "101 Atlantic Nights" - and enjoying putting theri feet up for a while.

Town Mayor Mr Don Davidson said: "It is a fantastic ahcievement, o spend so many days in a boat across the ocean, let alone at 53 years of age. To me it's mind boggling!"

Converted for the new archive on 30 June 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.