LEICESTER City midfielder Garry Parker, who received a £750 fine from the FA after swearing at a referee after an Oxfordshire Sunday Cup game, feels a vendetta is being waged against his club Cherwell Lions.

Darren Timms, captain of Cherwell Lions and Parker's brother-in-law, said the 32-year-old Kidlington-based Premiership star now felt like quitting as the team's manager.

"He is gutted about it," said Timms. "He is very disappointed about it because it reflects on his professional club very badly.

"He puts in a lot of hard work with Cherwell Lions and he is involved with kids football and with the games. This thing makes him feel like chucking it in. It's as if there is a vendetta against Cherwell Lions because of Garry's involvement."

Parker, who regularly runs the line for Cherwell Lions' games , was reported to the OFA by referee Peter Fisher after he swore at him following the 3-1 defeat by Cowley Cosmos in the Sam Waters Cup.

Timms felt the incident had been blown up out of all proportion.

"He was running the line that game and the referee, who didn't have the best of games to be honest, came off and Garry said he was the worst referee he had seen in his life.

"He told Garry he would be reporting him to the OFA and Garry called him a twat, and we can't believe it has all led to this.

"Every Sunday up and down the country you get people being more abusive on every pitch." And Timms added: "We have already had three points taken off us this season because of some futile thing when a lad signed for us and hadn't told us he had signed for another team.

"It is like one thing after another. He thinks as much of Cherwell Lions as he does of Leciester City, but it is just getting on top of him and cheesing him off."

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