PROTESTERS locked themselves inside a mock iron cage outside Oxford Crown Court today in a symbolic protest at charges facing nine former detainees of Campsfield Detention Centre in Kidlington.

In a noisy demonstration, about 40 protesters shouted slogans including, "Refugees are not criminals - drop the charges now," and "Shame on you Jack Straw - open the asylum door."

A group of West African refugees appeared before a judge for the first time today to answer charges of riot and violent disorder in a protest at the detention centre last August. Seven were remanded in custody, one was bailed and a ninth defendant did not appear.

Supporters, gathered at the front and back of the court, said the protest was in frustration at unjust imprisonment and called on Home Secretary Jack Straw to drop the charges.

Two of the men were being held in Campsfield after fleeing the brutal dictatorship in Nigeria on UN advice. Since their arrest, one has attempted suicide and several have been on hunger strike while in custody.

Among the protesters outside court today was former refugee Julie Affiong Southey, who recently won asylum.

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