POET Timon Singh has been given the royal seal of approval - direct from the pen of the Duke of Edinburgh.

The Oxford wordsmith sent a verse congratulating Prince Philip and the Queen when they celebrated their Golden Wedding anniversary last year.

Mr Singh, 38, of Edith Road, posted off the poem to the royal couple as a way of expressing his admiration for their half-century achievement, which they celebrated in November.

Now he has received an official reply from a lady-in-waiting at Buckingham Palace, thanking him for his efforts.

But unusually, the letter ends with a handwritten PS from the Duke, reading simply "Thank-you for writing the poem." and signed "Philip".

Mr Singh and his wife, Noreen, 38, have three children. He has written songs and poems in honour of people and events before, but has never previously thought to send them to the people they are about. This time however, his family urged him to post it to the Palace and he was delighted when the reply came.

He said: "It was a pleasant surprise and I was thrilled because it's not every day you get something from Buckingham Palace.

"They must have received loads of things from many many people and the reply actually had a PS in Prince Philip's handwriting, which shows he saw it and decided to add to the reply himself."

Mr Singh added: "Things like this just come to you when you sit down and start writing.

"I thought it was an appropriate way to wish them good health and prosperity in the future.

"I think they're an example for others because we are looking at a situation where two out of three marriages don't last.

"We should look up to them." Timon's verse:

"To Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip On Their Golden Wedding Anniversary"

How wonderful is the gift of life

In which we share, struggles and strife

How wonderful it is to be together

In the company of your love forever

The golden years which we remember

So magnificent, full of splendour

Moments that have gone with time

They are still living in this rhyme

We may not see the past so clear

But in our hearts it does appear

Sometimes faintly, like a glimmer in the dark

And seldom so bright like a covenant of ark

Memories are kept like a photo framed

Or walking together by the banks of the Thames

Holding hands, expressing you care

Conversing with eyes, of love you share

For our nation the both of you

Are an example of alove that's true

And with time which does not fade

But becomes more radiant in the shade

May your golden wedding anniversary

Bring more joy to your family

May the Lord grant you love

And open the windoiws of heaven above

Blessings of the three in one

The Holy Spirit, the Father, Son

Be on your household night and day

In the name of Jesus I pray

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