PROMOTER Steve Purchase told the fans he wants an out and out No 1 rider to spearhead the Oxford Cheetahs speedway team next season, but with the turn of the year looming, there is still no news from the Oxford boss.

What's more, it's difficult to see where he is going to get one, with most of the top boys having already been snapped up.

There has been talk of Jimmy Nilsen and Ronnie Correy coming to Cowley, but neither is No 1 material.

However, they may be a chink of light at the end of the tunnel, because both Peterborough and Poole, winners and runners-up in the Elite League, last year have to dispense with a top rider because of the points limit.

That means that Jason Crump, who did such a marvellous job at Oxford in 1998, and England's top-man, Mark Loram, could become available. They will demand top money but they are certainly worth it because consistently, they are among the world's best riders.

Meanwhile, last year's Oxford squad, who were told they could talk to new clubs before the end of last season, have not been in demand, it seems.

Even if Oxford retain their assets - Todd Wiltshire, Steve Johnston, Paul Hurry, Jan Steachmann and Lawrence Hare - they will still need to fill the spaces vacated by loanees Craig Boyce and Alun Rossiter.

THE Supporters Club AGM is at the Stadium on January 7.

Story date: Monday 13 December

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