Police have issued an E-fit of a man wanted for three robberies.

All the robberies, one at knife-point, took place in north Oxford in the early hours of Tuesday.

The first happened just after 1am when two men approached a 23-year-old man at the junction of Woodstock Road and Moreton Road. They threatened him and took his jacket, worth about £40. The second robbery took place half an hour later when a 19-year-old man was approached by two men in South Parks Road.

They threatened the teenager and forced him to hand over his wallet, containing £10 in cash and his bank cards. In the third incident, which happened at about 2am in Parks Road, a single man approached a 20-year-old woman, produced a knife, believed to be a Swiss Army knife, and took her handbag, containing her wallet, a necklace and a mobile phone.

Police believe the same men are responsible. The man not in the E-fit was white, aged 20 to 26 and stocky. Call Oxford police on 01865 266333.

Story date: Thursday 10 February

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