A new programme has sprung into action to help single parents Mark Templeton.

The project will provide a package of support including training, access to childcare and work experience opportunities.

Oxford is one of ten areas in the country running the pilot scheme. Oxford City Council is leading the project in partnership with Oxford Women's Training Scheme, Westminster College and the county council.

The city project has adopted a cuddly kangaroo as its symbol - an emblem that represents parenting, the group said. The Lone Parent Project complements the Government's New Deal for Lone Parents and encourages mums and dads to find work.

Anyone taking part in the scheme must be claiming income support.

Florence Cowan, project manager, said: "This innovative project will help lone parents gain vital training and find suitable employment.

"At the same time it offers a golden opportunity for employers to make their organisations more attractive to current and future staff and to develop their employees' skills."

Anyone interested in the scheme can find out more at the Asian Cultural Centre, Oxford, on March 3 between 11am and 2pm or call Florence Cowan on 01865 252145.

Story date: Thursday 10 February

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