THE Football Association have offered to chair the Oxfordshire FA's extraordinary general meeting, called in the wake of Ron Leaver's sacking as their general secretary.

The OFA Council agreed on January 13 to call an EGM after Leaver claimed he had been sacked illegally.

But so far, no date has been arranged for the meeting, which has to be held within eight weeks - with clubs being given three weeks' notice.

OFA chairman Ray Mills said yesterday: "At present, I can't give you a date for the meeting."

Witney Town chairman Brian Constable is threatening to turn up the heat on the O FA if they continue to delay the meeting, at which they are expected to face a motion of no confidence.

Constable said that the Football Association had offered an independent chairman to chair the meeting. An FA spokesman said: "We would be happy to be involved, if it would help." Mills responded: "I haven't heard about that."

Now Constable is planning to try and spark the OFA into action. He is threatening to:

Call for the resignation of OFA Council members

Lead a campaign of clubs to call an EGM

Go to the High Court to get the OFA's assets freezed

He said: "I believe the OFA have not got the b**** to call this meeting and they are hoping that the longer they leave it, it will blow over.

"Unless the clubs do something, this could go on for ages and the OFA are blaming Leaver to give them breathing space.

"If they can't face the clubs, then every OFA Council member should resign and resign now. They should not sit there and call themselves the OFA and allow things to go on."

"What have the OFA got to hide? The longer it goes on it makes them look as if they are as guilty as hell. It should not be allowed to fester." He claimed that the clubs of Oxfordshire own the £1/4m that was in the OFA bank account.

"If something doesn't happen soon I am going to lead a campaign to go to the High Court to freeze their assets so they can't spend money that doesn't belong to them.

"We need to have a vote of confidence in the OFA as a general thing. I don't think they could run a bath."

Story date: Thursday 10 February

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