An investigation has begun after a train passed a red signal near the site of the Paddington rail crash.

The incident involved a Thames Trains turbo, which is believed to have gone 500 yards past a danger signal.

The train was heading into Paddington when the incident happened at 10.10pm on Friday night. The train had started its journey at Stratford-upon-Avon and passed through Banbury, Oxford and Didcot.

The incident happened less than a mile from Ladbroke Grove, where 31 people died when a Thames Trains service went through a red signal and crashed into a London-bound Great Western express last October.

A Thames Trains spokesman said an inquiry was under way into the latest incident.

He said: "The train was on the approaches into Paddington when the driver went through a red light." This was the fifth time since the Paddington crash that a Thames train has passed a danger signal.

Since the Paddington crash, the Oxford Mail has campaigned for a law of "corporate manslaughter", making companies responsible for such tragedies.