Frustrated Oxford commuters who use the Abingdon Road now have something to smile about as they sit in traffic.

Road works have sent drivers grinding to a halt, drawing their attention to a blackboard which has been displaying interesting and sometimes scarcely believable facts of the day for the past five months.

The factual blackboard comes courtesy of landlord of The Berkshire Ale House, Chris Howells.

Landlady Joanne Williams said: "We used to put a question of the day on our blackboard and if people got it right they would win a free pint.

"The problem was that a lady living nearby was getting it right every day, so we introduced the fact of the day instead.

"The response has been fantastic - people have even been ringing us as they sit in the traffic outside to ask if some of them are true.

All the quirky facts are true and we find them in magazines and on the Internet.

"We're thinking of something new for the boards outside, so keep your eyes peeled."