A man caught transporting almost 1.5kg of cannabis resin to Oxford from the North West has been sentenced to three years' detention in youth custody.

Liverpool Crown Court heard that Paul Hardman bought the drugs in Warrington for 2,100 and was travelling south by coach when the driver discovered them hidden during a stop at Liverpool.

The police were contacted and officers issued with tickets so that they could masquerade as travellers. They arrested him after he took possession of the bag. Judge Nigel Gilmour QC told Hardman: "You were to receive 350 to act as the purchaser and transporter. It was by chance you were caught on your way back from Warrington to the Oxford area.

"You appear to take the view that cannabis should be legalised.

"You did not seem to realise before your arrest that if you act with a view to supply people with such a large amount of cannabis resin that is regarded as a very serious offence." Hardman, 20, of Home Close, Carterton, pleaded guilty to possessing cannabis resin with intent to supply, and possessing cannabis and Ecstasy.

Damian Nolan, prosecuting, said when interviewed, Hardman refused to name the person who gave him the money to buy the drugs.

Lloyd Morgan, defending, said Hardman was just a cog in the machine in the supply of drugs to Oxfordshire.

He said Hardman was a long-term cannabis user and owed some money.

He had been approached in Oxford to buy and deliver the drugs. This was a one-off offence, said Mr Morgan.