Bicester's newest doctor's surgery is expected to be open to residents a week before Christmas.

The finishing touches are being put to the new 750,000 surgery, which is being built in Lucerne Avenue, off Banbury Road, on the new Bure Park estate.

Dr Andrew Gibson, who is currently based in a portable building on the Southwold estate, will move to the surgery when it opens.

A doctor has been recruited to join him by the end of the year, followed by two more GPs in the new year.

All community health services for north Bicester will be based in the new building. Patients can see health visitors, midwives and district nurses at the surgery.

Mr Geraint Griffiths, the chief executive of the North East Oxfordshire Primary Care Group, said the new GPs will be able to register up to 1,800 new patients each.

He said: "This is very good new for Bicester. The new doctor's surgery will also provide all the community nursing services you'd expect."

The current North Bicester Surgery, in Holm Square, run by Dr Gibson, is situated in a mobile building.

It was closed for three days last month after arsonists set rubbish alight beneath the building, severely damaging the floor.