Drastic measures are being taken to slash a town council's budget by 140,000.

Early figures showed 490,000 will be needed to run Thame's affairs - way above last year's 350,000.

Mike Welply, chairman of the finance committee, said every effort had to be made to get the budget back to last year's figure or increase it by only the rate of inflation.

To make a start on the cuts the committee slashed 27,750 immediately.

Out went 3,000 meant for telephone upgrading, 500 on members' training, 200 from members' travel allowances and the subsistence allowance was cut to zero.

Refurbishment plans were scrapped saving 2,000, the town hall clock will not get 4,500 for maintenance and repair, vehicle purchase and staff uniform budgets have gone.

And cuts have been made in reserves for rates, insurance, equipment, Christmas decorations, the youth centre, museum and bus tokens and 3,000 from the latest environmental improvement scheme.

The committee is now looking at other ways of paring down the rest of the budget.