Parents at Oxford's smallest school have been praised for raising £2,000 in only a year for much-needed computers.

Kate Rule, head of Headington Quarry First School, in Quarry School Place, said the parents threw themselves into fundraising with gusto.

They held two Christmas bazaars, a fashion show, jumble sales, discos and other events to raise the cash.

Headington Quarry has bought two computers with the money, which means there are now six in the 90-pupil school.

The computers have e-mail which means pupils can keep in touch with two Mexican sisters who were at the school last year while their parents worked at Oxford University and have since returned home.

Mrs Rule said: "It is a lot of money for a very small school to raise. Parents are obviously very supportive and they have enjoyed doing it. We now have two computers in each classroom.

"We were one of the last schools to get our money for the National Grid For Learning scheme.

"The computers cost between £8,000 and £9,000 and the Government has given us 5,000 so this money from the parents is welcome."