A plan to develop the use of Spiceball Park is being drawn up by Banbury Town Council.

The council wants to generate income from the park as well as keep it as an informal leisure area.

The new plan will include trial bike and orienteering areas, four large events a year in addition to the Banbury Show, free use of the park for charity events, but a rental of at least 250 a day for each field for commercial schemes. The council will also look at the costs of commissioning marketing and visitor management advice.

Before the town council was established last year, Cherwell District Council's policy was to encourage the use of the park for informal recreation with events to support local charities.

Now, acting town clerk Peter Rooke has been asked by the town's general services committee to come up with a letting policy that will generate income and be compatible with public enjoyment of the park.

A report from the district council's head of leisure services, Ian Davies, said there was significant scope for increasing the range of activities in the park and for promoting more organised events.