A 19-year-old girl has decided to forgo television, parties and shopping with her friends to work with needy children abroad.

Alice Taylor, of Thameside Park, Witney, is to work with street children in Romania for Youth Action, which is part of Voluntary Service Oversees.

She plans to leave this May and will work at Gavroche House, in Bucharest, which is home to 35 children aged between four and 14 who were living on the streets of the city.

Her work will include teaching the children English, helping them integrate socially and adapt to school, re-establish links with their families where possible and identify those who would benefit from therapy.

Miss Taylor, who has worked with children since she was 16, said: "I've been wanting to work with children overseas since I was ten, I don't know why, I just like helping people.

"I'm also looking forward to learning about how different societies work."

Miss Taylor needs to raise 500 towards the cost of her placement.