May 24: It was classic political scene. There was nine-week-old Liam Corps in the arms of his mother, Emily, in Abingdon flanked by Tory-supporting comedian Jim Davidson and local Tory candidate Ed Matts. Who would kiss the baby in front of the photographers?

There was a marked reluctance from Mr Davidson ("I don't kiss babies, not even my own") and father of three Mr Matts, keen not to fall into the old "politician-kiss-baby" cliche.

And an aide chipped in: "Kissing babies is old stuff from the eighties."

But Mr Davidson did hold the infant.

Conservative candidate Ed Matts looks on as comedian Jim Davidson turns up his nose at kissing Liam Corps

The 47-year-old court jester for the Conservative Party was on top form meeting and swapping jokes with mothers and fathers, taxi drivers, shop workers and even people who were Liberal Democrats or Labour supporters.

"Shame about them," he said.