Two laundry workers have given an old folk's home a sparkling reputation.

Janet Sladea and Breda Sandford do such a good job they have brought an excellence award to Witan House at Moorland Road in Witney.

Home manager Dorte Steg, pictured right, was presented with a plaque, a certificate of achievement and cleaning materials worth £500.

Witan House was judged first out of 19 homes run by Oxfordshire County Council for its laundry service, in a competition sponsored by detergents supplier Enviro-clean.

Ms Stegg said: "They do a great job, making everything nice and sparkling.

"We have 51 beds here, so there is a lot of linen, along with tablecloths and other washing. We run the best laundry in the county and it's a real boost to the staff."

The awards were presented by Charles Bevan, of Oxfordshire Social Services, and John McDermott, of Enviroclean.