BAnbury is seriously short of sports space, according to a new report.

A study by Steven Abbott Associates for Cherwell District Council has highlighted that the town is six full-sized football pitches below present requirements laid down by the National Playing Field Association's standard and Sport England's playing pitch recommendations.

The shortfall is forecast to rise to eight pitches by 2011.

CDC's development committee heard last Tuesday that new football pitches are included in the Hanwell Fields and Bankside developments and that the negotiation of pitch provision in other areas could ease the situation.

The committee was told by the council's head of leisure services Ian Davies that sites for new pitches must be found on the edge of Banbury, and that mini-soccer play areas also need to be provided.

The committee will investigate the possibility of using pitches at Blessed George Napier School and the relocation of Easington Sports FC to an under-used rugby pitch at Bodicote Park.