A £800,000 expansion programme to create more beds has been unveiled by the John Masefield Cheshire Home, Burcot, near Abingdon - and thanks to a legacy the home will have to raise only a quarter of the cost.

The home has seventeen residents from the age of 39, all of whom have severe phsyical disabilities. There is also a day centre open to residents and disabled people living in the community.

Under the scheme, five new rooms will be added and other rooms upgraded to bring them into line with new care standards. The home has £600,000 from a legacy and needs to raise another £200,000.

Administrator Frances North said: "It costs so much these days to meet new standards but we are lucky in that we have had a generous legacy. However, we still need to raise a lot of money to see this project through."

The first in a series of fundraising events was being held today, with a fete and car boot sale in the grounds. Attractions included Oxford Jubilee Brass, tug-of-war competitions, Morris dancing, country dancing, Punch and Judy and dog agility competitions.