An application to extend a graveyard that has no space for new burials has been held-up over a mistake in the plans.

St Mary's Church in Thame wants the extension into allotments neighbouring the church, which the application describes as disused.

But photographs of the allotments submitted to Thame Town Council planning committee showed them in full use, cultivated and with flowers and vegetables growing there.

Planning committee chairman David Dodds said: "The town council put in the formal planning application as a helping hand to St Mary's and we used the description given.

"But the allotments are manifestly not disused."

The committee deferred any decision until talks can be held with St Mary's clergy.

The Rev Ian Adams is the curate and acting vicar at St Mary's and chairs the parochial church council, which wants the extension.

He said: "The allotments are used and it is a mystery how they came to be described as disused.

"We will sort this out when we talk to the town council.

"But we certainly do need an extension for the churchyard as we are running out of space for burials."