Managers at an Oxford hospital are struggling to employ porters as they compete against big blue chip firms with aggressive recruitment cam- paigns.

Trevor Paine, head of facilities at the John Radcliffe Hospital, said the hospital was desperate for portering staff.

Seven of the 85 jobs are currently vacant.

Mr Paine said: "The problem at the moment is that companies like BMW use very aggressive recruitment campaigns and we just can't match their pay.

"Porters are important members of the health team.

"Some work in maternity delivery suites, others deliver specimens to labs and many work in accident and emergency.

"They are an important part of the hospital's staff."

The Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals NHS Trust has had difficulties recruiting porters, who are sub-contracted by Mediclean and paid £4.30 an hour - compared to about £9 earned by workers at BMW's Cowley plant.

In November 2000, they threatened industrial action because of poor working conditions. Since then, Mediclean has started a new training programme for its team.

To show his appreciation of the porters, trust chief executive David Highton donned their blue uniform and joined them briefly on the shop floor.

His temporary role was for NHS week, and health managers from across the country are tasting life in the front line.

Mr Highton, who spent time transferring new mother Laneen Raddan and five-day-old baby Charlie across the Headington-based hospital's maternity unit, said it was important for managers to understand the ins and outs of other NHS jobs.

He said: "Porters are an important part of the health care team. It's useful and important for me to do things which bring me into contact with different groups of staff, and walking the floor is very important."

Anyone who would like to apply for a job as a porter should contact Mr Paine, by calling the John Radcliffe, on 01865 741166.