An animal rescue charity wants to save a pavilion from demolition by using it for fundraising events.

West Oxford Animal Rescue aims to use the building, on the recreation ground off Stanton Road at Forest Hill, near Oxford.

Spokesman Janet Butler said: "There is nothing for the people there at the moment and there were plans to pull the building down. We could make great use of it with jumble sales, bingo evenings, car boot sales and other things."

Shotover Parish Council is likely to back the charity's move.

Parish clerk Brian Hunt said: "We have not agreed yet, but the parish generally supports the proposal. The charity is prepared to do the remedial work if they can use the building.

"The building is not used regularly and does get vandalised by kids breaking windows and things like that. Obviously, we would like to see the building being used and kept in good order."

The charity is funded by donations from people bringing animals to it or taking them away and by fundraising events. It was established by Mrs Butler in the mid-1970s with the rescue of two small kittens. Since then, thousands of unwanted, stray and injured animals have passed through the charity, based in Sweetmans Road, Botley, Oxford

Villagers will be asked to comment on the charity's proposal at at a public meeting in the village hall tomorrow at 7.30pm.

Mrs Butler added: "We hope to be able to make use of the pavilion as soon as possible and are confident of winning the villagers support."

For more information on the public meeting, call her on 01865 726556.