Abingdon Town boss Alan Thorne has hit out at Chris Fontaine after he claims the midfielder went back on his word to stay at Thame United

Thorne had lined up Fontaine to become the new Town skipper as they look to make a bid for Ryman Division 3 honours, and claims he shook hands with the 37-year-old on a deal.

Alan Thorne

But Fontaine will stay with Thame in Ryman Division 1 next year, despite Abingdon's interest and their apparent agreement.

"I'm very, very disappointed with the whole thing," said Thorne.

"We spoke to him, agreed terms, and shook hands on it.

"Chris even came to Abingdon and had a look around the place at the training facilities.

"He has gone back on his word because they can offer him a lot more money than we can."

Meanwhile, Thorne was very encouraged by the turn-out for the first training session of the season last week, and was expecting even more for the next practice.

"There were 39 players there last week, but I was aware of some that couldn't make it that will be coming in the future, so that is encouraging.

"We only received our signing-on forms on Monday from the Football Association and so we can actually sign players now."

Carterton's Paul Sherwood is one of those players who Thorne is hoping to sign, and says he has verbally agreed a deal with him.

"I know Paul and he has said he will play for us and so you have to take the players on their word at this time of the season.

"The thing with Paul is that he can sign on for Carterton and us because we are in different leagues, and I would not be at all surprised if he did that."