Public opinion is being sought on an ambitious restoration project for the Abbey Grounds in Abingdon, costing nearly £1m.

A grant application for £675,000 is being drawn up to the Heritage Lottery Fund. The Vale of White Horse District Council will fund the balance of nearly £320,000.

Original features such as the Italian Walk, the Rock Garden and the Ornamental Water feature will be refurbished.

A modern play area will be located in abbey Meadows. Interpretation of the archaological research carried out on the original abbey buildings will be incorporated into the park's design.

Among other ideas being considered involves how the abbey itself is interpreted.

One proposal being examined is a hologram showing the abbey, obelisks marking its boundaries and devices giving a perspective of how the abbey would have looked.

The public has the opportunity this month to view and comment on the plans.

Project landscape manager Mary Lamb said: "The Heritage Fund has shown a considerable amount of interest in the project. We are optimistic that the project will qualify for a substantial grant."

Vale of White Horse District Council leader Paul Bizzell said: "This is an exceptional opportunity to work with the Heritage Lottery Fund and design a park for the future which reflects the heritage of the past."

Public exhibitions are being held at the Abbey House, Abingdon, until July 13, and in the Market Place on July 7 and 9; the Local Services point in Wantage, from July 16 to 21; the Faringdon Corn Exchange on July 23 and 24; Botley Library on July 25 and 26; Kennington village hall on July 27; and the Abbey Grounds on July 29.