An underused multi-storey car park is likely to become a full house again thanks to a multi-million pound project to transform part of it into a bingo hall.

Oxford City Council planning committee members were today deciding whether the venture at Castle Car Park, Crowell Road, Cowley, Oxford, should be allowed.

Officers have advised councillors to approve the scheme, which would reduce car capacity from 591 to 385. The car park, near Templars Square shopping centre, is already earmarked for redevelopment in the local plan.

Council principal planning officer Andrew Lewis says it is no longer needed as it only nears capacity at Christmas. The upper levels are already closed.

The bingo hall would take over the two bottom levels of the six storey building. The upper floors could be re-opened if there was demand.

Entry would be via the junction of Crowell Road and Church Cowley Road. The existing Beauchamp Lane exit would close.

Town planner, Robert Turley Associates, has submitted the application on behalf of developers Hemingway Properties Ltd, which has a long lease on the site. The city council has the freehold.

A firm interested in running the bingo hall has been found, but no contract has yet been signed.