A cancer charity wants donors to help pay for better security after its Wallingford shop was raided again.

Burglars broke into the safe of the Imperial Cancer Research Fund's shop in Market Place last Wednesday night and got away with £70 in cash.

The incident follows an earlier raid in April when more than £600 was stolen, along with a stereo and CDs.

In the latest attack, iron bars over a window were again prised off to gain entry from the secluded rear of the shop. The newly fitted safe was pried from the wall and forced open.

Shop manager Beverley Watt said it was "disheartening".

She said: "It's awful when any shop is broken into but especially in our business. The shop is run almost entirely by volunteers who dedicate their time to keeping the store open and raising funds towards vital cancer research."

She added: "It is extremely demoralising to all of us who have been working so hard."

The charity is appealing for local businesses and individuals to sponsor a new security system as it cannot afford the investment itself.

Mrs Watt said: "We would like to install an alarm system, or something that is fool-proof."

Anyone willing to help should contact Mrs Watt on 01491 837475.