Teenager Daniel Rumley saved the life of a drunken friend - but insisted yesterday he was no hero.

Daniel RumleyThe 16-year-old said: "All I did was to help a mate in trouble. Anyone would have done the same for a friend. He was drunk. He collapsed and I could see he was in trouble breathing because he was being sick."

Laurie Wilkinson, 14, of Palmer Place, Abingdon, collapsed in a park in Lambrick Way in the town after he and another friend shared a litre bottle of whisky.

Daniel, of Saxton Road, Abingdon, put Laurie in the recovery position and called an ambulance.

Doctors later told Laurie's mother, Mrs Karen Wilkinson, that he could have choked on his own vomit and died had Daniel not acted so promptly.

She said he should be considered for a bravery award.

Daniel said: "I saw Laurie and his friend staggering around in Lambrick Way park. They were drunk. Laurie collapsed and was mumbling something about too much to drink. He was clearly in trouble and I had to act quickly."

Laurie spent a night in the John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, but has now recovered. His friend, also 14, managed to get home.

The boys bought the whisky with their pocket money for £6 from a woman in the town. She has been cautioned by police.