A group set up to eliminate drunken and anti-social behaviour from Oxford city centre has its first meeting later this month.

The "street culture" steering group, which meets on July 11, is being led by the chief executive of Oxford City Council, Marion Headicar.

It will look at the possibility of introducing tough bylaws to tackle public drunkenness, begging and intimidating behaviour.

Labour's Cllr Val Smith, Cllr John Goddard from the Liberal Democrats and Green's Cllr Paul Ingram will represent three of the political parties on the city council.

Police, business leaders, the health authority and council officials are also to be involved.

Cllr Smith said: "I think people have got a right to walk through the streets of Oxford without being asked for money or having drunks lurch towards them."

She said many beggars and drunks were there because it's an easy thing to do in Oxford.