Motorists who see no problem driving just a few miles faster than 30mph speed limits are being targeted in a month-long police crackdown.

As part of the Thames Valley Police Safer Roads Campaign, which is designed to cut deaths and injuries on the region's roads, road checks will be set up to encourage drivers to kill their speed.

Throughout this month, police officers will be carrying out checks at points on key roads where there is a particular problem with injury crashes caused by speed.

Drivers who are caught driving above the speed limit but beneath a threshold will receive either a £60 fixed penalty ticket and three points on their licence or be directed to a nearby information point for road safety advice.

Motorists caught above the threshold will automatically receive a £60 fixed penalty ticket or have to go to court.

According to the Transport Research Laboratory, speed is a major factor in at least a third of all collisions, and if drivers reduced their speed by just one mph, there is up to seven per cent less risk of being involved in a serious crash.

Sgt Ken Antell, Thames Valley Police's Casualty Reduction Supervisor, said: "These checks are aimed at drivers who pinch a few miles over the 30mph limit and think it is okay.

"The fact is that speed is still a major cause of road accidents and we hope this campaign will help drivers understand the unthinkable consequences of going too fast."