Every bed in guest houses across Oxford has been booked up as 42,000 Radiohead fans prepare to descend on the city this weekend.

The 60 members of the Oxford Hotel and Guest Association have declared a full house, with many saying they could have let rooms ten times over.

Road closures around the park and a early finish for rail services have prompted the city's two main bus operators, the Oxford Bus Company and Stagecoach, to lay on extra services to ferry concertgoers to and from Saturday's South Park venue.

Both will also be extending their London shuttle services after Railtrack announced that routine maintenance will mean the last London-bound train will leave Oxford at 10.27pm - half an hour before the concert's 11pm finish.

About 160 police will be on duty for the concert, with the cost being shared between Thames Valley Police and the concert promoters.

Concert fever hit the city as soon as the £27.50 tickets to see the Oxford-based supergroup - in their only UK tour date this year - went on sale in March.

Nest Lewis, who owns the Acorn Guest House, in Iffley Road, is also being besieged by fans. Nest Lewis

She said: "My 12 rooms have been booked up for ages, but I'm still getting lots of phone calls.

"It took me four hours to have my dinner the other night because I had to answer the phone so many times."

Julie Skelsey, who manages the Earlmont Guest House, in Cowley Road, said: "We've got 15 rooms and we've been booked up for months.

"I could easily have booked 100 rooms and I've been getting five or six inquiries a day since the tickets went on sale.

"I don't think there's a bed to be had anywhere in the city."

Even the 115-room Oxford Spires Hotel in Abingdon Road has been fully booked.

Bus operators spent weeks planning their strategy. Park-and-ride services will be extended until midnight, local bus services being increased, and as

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