Residents affected by work on a 142-house development in Wallingford will get town council support when they meet to discuss grievances with the developer next week.

The 24 householders in Barley Close, whose properties face Linden Homes' Sovereign Place site, say their lives have been severely disrupted by heavy plant traffic, poor access and dust. They say new cracks have also appeared in plaster in their homes.

Chairman of the Barley Close Residents' Association, Wendy Hewett, gave a list of complaints to town councillors and asked for their backing. She said residents wanted better communication with Linden and to be treated with respect. They were also asking for a detailed explanation of the way asbestos had been removed when the site, the former Pauls Malt, was cleared.

Town councillor Alec Hayton is to attend next Tuesday's meeting between residents and Chris Coates, the managing director of Linden Homes Chiltern.

Mr Coates said Linden would strive to keep the inevitable disruption in a project of that size to a minimum and hoped the meeting would keep communication channels open so matters could move forward constructively.

Linden has signed a £4m deal for Abingdon-based Vale Housing Association to buy and manage a quarter of the 142 new houses.

Twenty-seven will be affordable homes to rent and eight will be available to part-buy under a shared-ownership scheme.

Most of the affordable units will be ready in October.

Anyone interested in the rented homes should contact South Oxfordshire District Council on 01491 823350.