Pensioner Rhoda Foster has hit out at vandals who stole a prized pot of plants from the front of her home.

Mrs Foster, 79 of Holloway Road, Witney, said: "I am rather crippled with arthritis and I find it very painful to do anything but I planted the tub to bring pleasure to passers-by as well to myself.

Rhoda Foster"It took me a whole painful morning, never mind the cost of the plants, and I was looking forward to seeing the plants in bloom.

"The small rose in the tub was a gift from a friend who has since died. I am very upset and not sleeping very well at night."

The theft was one of a number of incidents in the town. Vandals also damaged cars and started four fires.

The fires broke out within half-an-hour of each other in the town centre early on Sunday.

Witney Inspector John Fox said: "We believe these four fires were started deliberately and probably are the work of the same people.

"We don't know if they can be linked with similar incidents earlier this year."

In January this year an ancient thatched barn at Cogges Manor Farm Museum was badly damaged by fire. Other arson attacks have targeted disused factories, barns and stacks of straw.

In Burford Road residents were woken up at about 4.30am on Saturday by a group of youths.

Beverley Ferguson said: "They were on the rampage, running down the street, kicking cars and bending wing mirrors. One of my neighbours had her gate taken off the hinges.

Insp Fox said: "During the last two months there has been a marked fall in the reports of criminal damage.

"So reports from the weekend are disappointing."