Automatic emergency exit doors at Didcot Parkway Station are working again - after being out of action since last year.

The electrically operated double doors at the entrance to the station had been locked for nine months, according to passengers.

One of them, company director Martin Ford, of Marcham, near Abingdon, complained to First Great Western Trains, which is responsible for running the station and to the Railway Inspect- orate.

He claimed that the alternative entrance and exit doors at the side of the station concourse building were occasionally locked. Because they had no exit signs, passengers could be at risk if the station had to be evacuated in an emergency, he said.

Railtrack, which leases the station to First Great Western, carried out the repairs after the issue was highlighted in the Oxford Mail.

Railtrack spokesman Mrs Jane Terry said the repair had been on a schedule of maintenance, and insisted there had never been any danger to the public.

Mr Ford, whose complaints about the doors were supported by the new Didcot-based Didcot West passengers pressure group, said: "I have to thank the newspaper for a successful outcome."