The Summertown club have a double chance in the Oxfordshire BA county championship singles semi-finals.

Both Mark Charlett and Howard Watts booked their places with narrow wins in the quarter-finals and now face Greg Moon and Paul Justin at Banbury Borough on Sunday.


Fours: L Campion (Banbury Central) 29, P Simpson (South Oxford) 14; B Foster (Headington) 28, G Joiner (South Oxford) 18; R Hewson (Summertown) 24, M Charlett (Summertown) 14; L Gillett (West Witney) 24, J Stone (Headington) 13.

Triples: P Latter (West Witney) 17, N Rae (East Oxford) 16; M Petersen (City & County) 19, P Maisey (West Witney) 16; G Allen (Summertown) 23, M Woodward (Charlbury) 13; J Stone (Headington) 18, R Buckett (Stuarts) 16.

Pairs: Charlett & Sampson (Summertown) 28, Nash & Gleeson (Blackbird Leys) 9; Sharpe & Carpenter (Banbury Borough) 21, Blackburn & Wallace (Summertown) 9; Whelpton & Campion (Banbury Central) 22, Reilly & Wise (Adderbury) 20; Barrett & Buckett (Stuarts) 20, Taylor & Hooley (Bicester) 19.

Singles: M Charlett (Summertown) 21, C Carpenter (Banbury Borough) 19; P Justin (Carterton) 21, B Slatter (City & County) 18; H Watts (Summertown) 21, S Richens (Carterton) 17; G Moon (Banbury Borough) 21, M Petersen (City & County) 7.


(Banbury Borough,10 am)

Pairs: M Charlett & R Sampson (Summertown) v D Sharpe & C Carpenter (Banbury Borough).

Triples: M Petersen, L Lacey, V Bye (Oxford C & C) v N Bithray, P Latter, C Thorne (West Witney).

Fours: A Ley, R Hewson, D Wedge, N Wallace (Summertown) v L Campion, J Tee, I Whelpton, J Gow (Banbury Central); B Foster, R Pyniger, R Foster, D Crane (Headington) v M Hitchcox, L Gillett, P Malsey, D Hall (West Witney).

Pairs (2pm): I Whelpton, L Campion (Banbury Central) v C Barrett, R Buckett (Stuarts).

Triples: J Stone, G Baldwin, M Kershaw (Headington) v G Allen, C Allen, R Sampson (Summertown).

Singles: G Moon (Banbury Borough) v M Charlett (Summertown); H Watts (Summertown) v P Justin (Carterton).

*Nick Welsh, from East Oxford, won the Oxon Under 25s championship at Banbury Central, beating Andrew Cross (Carterton) 21-12 in the final.

Semi-finals: A Cross (Carterton) 21, M East (Cotswold) 17; N Welsh (East Oxford) 21, A Martin (Chipping Norton) 19. Final: N Welsh 21, A Cross 12.