A pre-school supervisor who has seen generations of children pass through the school system is retiring after more than 21 years.

Catherine Cirel, of Ashlong Road, Marston, Oxford, remembers teaching children at New Marston Pre-School, at St Michael's First School in Marston Road, who are now in their twenties. Mrs Cirel said: "I have mixed feelings about retiring because I will miss the children and the staff very much, as we have a good team here. I will still see everyone around though because I still live in Old Marston."

The mother-of-four began working at the pre-school two days a week when her daughter started school. She has seen many changes at the pre-school, including moving into a new building on the St Michael's School site and the introduction of Ofsted inspections.

Mrs Cirel said: "Pre-schools have become much more professional in the way they are run in recent years."

Paula O'Connor, deputy supervisor at New Marston Pre-School, said: "Catherine will be hugely missed because she is a very special, kind and caring person. She is thoughtful and always has time for everybody. I cannot praise her enough."