A cleaner died from asbestos poisoning 40 years after she was exposed to the material.

Pamela Suckling, 56, of Geoffrey Barbour Road, Abingdon, died of mesothelioma - a tumour caused by asbestos inhalation - on October 10 last year, an inquest in Oxford heard on July 5.

Nigel Purbrick, a friend of Ms Suckling, said she had worked at the former Filtrex Ltd factory, in Lower Broadway, Didcot, from 1961 to 1962. Filtrex made asbestos sheets and Ms Suckling was responsible for sweeping up asbestos dust.

Dr Colin Clelland, a pathologist at the John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, said Ms Suckling had a large tumour in her chest which almost completely surrounded the left lung.

Coroner Nicholas Gardiner recorded a verdict that death was caused by an industrial disease.