Staff at an Oxford school have hailed the success of a breakfast club that is attracting up to 40 pupils a day.

Pegasus First School, Field Avenue, Blackbird Leys, launched the club just before Christmas after attracting Government funding.

It is designed to ensure youngsters get a good, healthy breakfast before they begin classes and it also gives them the chance to study.

Headteacher Jill Hudson said: "The breakfast club has been a huge success and the start of our school day is very different now.

"We try to make the start of the day as tranquil as possible and the children at the start of school can enter their classrooms equipped for the day with good food and a quiet, focused mind."

There are 300 pupils at the school who are eligible to use the club and they pay 25p a day or £1 a week.

As well as providing a good meal to start the day, children can also get rid of any tension from home before the school day starts and learn to care for younger pupils.