An Oxford flower grower has won a bronze medal at the Hampton Court Flower Show.

Harry Robinson, 71, of London Road, Headington, pictured left, won the accolade in the co-ordinated window box and hanging basket class.

Harry Robinson

Mr Robinson, who entered on behalf of the Royal Oxford Horticultural Society, of which he is a committee member, has previously won two bronze medals with his window box and hanging basket displays at the Chelsea Flower Show.

He said: "It's the end of a year's work. You have to start planning now for what you are going to do next year. I have already decided what colour scheme I am going to do.

"I always start growing the plants in February. The knack is to get everything to peak condition for the first week in July."

Mr Robinson has shown at Chelsea five times and also entered the Hampton Court show last year but did not win a prize.

His flowers have been on display since Monday, July 8, and can be seen at Hampton Court, Surrey, until Sunday, July 8.

**Picture: Jon Lewis