Residents fear the worst when 42,000 Radiohead fans arrive for tomorrow's concert in Oxford.

People living near South Park, Headington, have suffered disturbance all week - and are bracing themselves for the big day.

Bruce Hodgkinson, 66, of Morrell Avenue, said: "I just cannot believe what has been going on all week just for one night. We've had to put up with hammering and banging every night, usually quite late into the evening.

Angry residents outside the entrance to South Park

"It's just been one horrible racket. No doubt we will have to put up with another three days of noise when it all has to come down.

"I really hate to think what it is going to be like tomorrow. It's all very well talking about 42,000 there, but it's the people who turn up to the park without a ticket who worry me."

Maggie Brown, speaking on behalf of residents in Walters Row, off Morrell Avenue, said: "The lack of respect for residents has been unbelievable. Residents have been kept in the dark and we had no letter about details until last Friday.

"If organisers had said we're really sorry about the inconvenience and disturbance, have some free tickets, that would have been something.

"Two people in Walters Row work nights and they haven't been able to sleep because of lorries turning up."

Andrew Parsons, Oxford City Council's parks manager, said: "The council has certainly done its best to inform local people. We put a leaflet about the Summer Fun in the Parks events, which included the Radiohead concert, through residents doors in March. Since then we did a letter drop a couple of weeks ago, telling them what they might expect in terms of production schedules. There was a complaint about lorry movements, but we have been down to the site and it shouldn't be a problem again."

Concert organiser Andy Redhead said: "It is not practice to give tickets to residents for an event like this. They have been consulted. We are working under a licensing agreement with the city council, and if we have caused inconvenience to residents, that was not our intention."

**Radiohead are due to appear as animated characters in the cult TV show South Park. The band are appearing on American television on the Comedy Central network on Wednesday, July 11, in an episode entitled 'Scott Tenorman Must Die'.