The Environment Agency will be asked whether developments planned for a cyclepath could present a flood risk.

Oxfordshire County Council wants to reduce the gradient of a ramp from Bridge Street into Spiceball Park in Banbury

The ramp will be part of a cycleway from Station Road, past Spiceball Sports Centre, to Southam Road.

However, Cherwell district council's chief engineer, Tony Brummell, told Banbury town council's general services committee that a less steep ramp would take up almost twice as much space as the existing one.

He said: "This part of Spiceball Park flooded in Easter 1998 and is in the flood plain.

"The ramping works will mean filling some of the flood plain.

"I have advised the county council to consult the Environment Agency before continuing with the scheme."

The route is part of a series of cycle priority measures contained in a programme of other transport works under the heading BITLUS (Banbury Integrated Transport and Land Use Study).

Spiceball Park, at present owned and maintained by Cherwell district council, is soon to be transferred to the town council.